The American Success Company

Date de sortie
01/03/1980 (01:31:00)
Titre original
The American Success Company
Jeff Bridges, Belinda Bauer, Ned Beatty, Steven Keats, Bianca Jagger, John Glover, Mascha Gonska, Michael Durrell, Eva Maria Meineke, Günter Meisner
Réalisé par
William Richert
Produit par
Edgar J. Scherick
Synopsis The American Success Company
A husband is humiliated at home and at work. He decides he has had enough of it and hires a prostitute to help him get back at his boss, wife and friends and get a lot richer in the process.
Dernières photos The American Success Company

Casting The American Success Company

Rôle : Sarah

Rôle : Rick Duprez